Ignotum per ignotius
The following silly nonsense was inexplicably published the other day (31 Jul 2018) in The Times by one of their lesser columnists Robert Crampton. I've often noticed that those who consistently mess-up in their own lives (as Crampton regularly admits to doing) are always keen to point out the shortcomings of others. That doesn't apply to me of course!

Seething with inverted snobbery, Crampton is contemptuous of the person because he's contemptuous of their name, the entirely honourable origins of which he's entirely ignorant of. Knee-jerk blokeish ignorance is in fact his journalistic trademark "Beta Male", which in a Brave New World would arguably be Epsilon ditto.
God moves in mysterious ways, and a minor spinoff of this ill-judged crassness was an impulse on my part to follow through on the origins of the Findlays and Farquharsons if at all possible.